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Entrepreneurship Courses

Empower Your Future: Innovate, Create, Succeed

Turn your ideas into reality with our hands-on entrepreneurship courses. Gain the skills to innovate, create, and succeed. Considering enhancing your major with an entrepreneurship minor and prepare to lead in any field.


Explore Our Exciting Courses:

ECON 234: Small Business Managment

Prereq: ECON 101 An introduction to small business management, entrepreneurship, and economics utilizing a series of case studies. Exploration of issues    related to starting or acquiring a new business and development of knowledge and skills for successful management of a small business, with an emphasis    on agricultural business.

ECON 334: Entrepreneurship in Agriculture

Prereq: ECON 101 Introduction to the process of entrepreneurship within the agricultural and food sectors. Emphasis on opportunity recognition and assessment, resource acquisition and feasibility analysis for both private and social enterprises. Students will develop a comprehensive feasibility study for a new business or non-profit organization.

ECON 495: Economics Domestic Travel Course

Prereq: Sophomore status; permission of instructor.  Tour and study of domestic businesses, markets, and economic institutions located outside Iowa to          expose students to the diversity of activities within the U.S. economy.

ECON 496: Economics International Travel Course

Prereq: Sophomore status; permission of instructor.  Tour and study of international agricultural and/or nonagricultural economies, markets, and institutions. Locations and duration of tours will vary. Limited enrollment. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.

What are these travel courses all about?

During the semester, students undertake a research project designed to help a selected business client(s) address questions or concerns that they are facing. The class projects vary widely and may involve market research and analysis, feasibility analysis, economic modeling, product positioning, go-to-market strategies, and/or other market and industry analysis depending on the client’s needs. The class involves traveling and meeting directly with pivotal people within the selected business and/or stakeholders in the project.  A trip is typically scheduled during the week of spring break. 

Interested or have questions about a travel course? 

Contact Marcie Fahn: