Matthew O'Neal
Department of Plant Pathology, Entomology, and Microbiology
Innovation Project Title: Prairie Strip Honey - Developing a Novel Revenue Stream for Conservation
Matthew O'Neal is creating a course focused on commercial-scale beekeeping that supports ongoing research efforts exploring how to produce honey more sustainably. Students enrolled in the 400-level class will manage colonies for honey production, intended to be sold on campus. Grant funding has been leveraged to explore if prairie strips can make honeybees more productive in Iowa. During the summer of 2023, the Iowa State University apiary will be expanded to over 60 colonies, with the first cohort of students in the course beginning in the fall of 2024.
"Being an Innovation and Entrepreneurship Faculty Fellow has allowed me to think beyond my immediate research program, leading to novel ways to incorporate undergraduate teaching. Meeting with the other fellows has been interesting and, at times, comforting hearing how they overcome challenges in changing their research, teaching, and extension to meet the growing needs of our students, stakeholders, and citizens."