2019 Student Incubator Program
The Student Incubator program offers students the early resources required for starting and building a business. Dave Krog, Start Something College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) Entrepreneur-in-Residence, and Joe Riley, entrepreneurial business leader, serve as mentors for the group. Cohort members encourage, support, and learn from each other during this year-long course.
Students have the opportunity to learn Business Model Canvas and Lean Startup methodologies, rapidly testing their business assumptions before spending time or money on their product or service. Guest speakers frequently attend the weekly meetings to discuss topics such as: customer discovery, intellectual property, prototype development, business models, pricing, and more.
Examples of previously launched ventures from the Student Incubator program include FarmlandFinder, Continuum Ag, LLC, and KinoSol. For a complete list of past ventures, check out Student Incubator.
2019 Cohort:
Student | Year & Major | Business Description |
Martin Beary | Senior in Agricultural Studies | Martin Beary Spraying, custom pesticide application business |
Josh Carmenatte | Freshman in Agricultural Business | Central America coffee production business |
James Chism | Freshman in Agricultural Business | Agricultural marketing business |
Owen Cline | Junior in Industrial Technology | Cline Design, custom metal works business |
Natalie Eick | Junior in Agricultural Business | Hightail Ice Cream, High-end ice cream business |
AJ Hanus | Senior in Computer Engineering | CalcHub, Web-based math application for education and businesses |
Alex Irlbeck | Graduate Student in Agricultural Engineering | CattleTEC, enterprise software for cow-calf operators |
Chris James | Junior in Entrepreneurship | True360, Video and augmented reality service for zoos |
Nick McQuilkin | Senior in Agricultural Studies | Custom hay baling business in southern Iowa |
Zach Ritland | Junior in Agricultural Business | Organic nitrogen fertilizer business |
Cameron Roehlk | Senior in Ag Systems Technology | Partner with Alex Irlbeck on CattleTEC |
Justin Wright | Senior in Agricultural Engineering | Wash Wright, automated livestock facility washing service |
Be sure to check back in as the semester progresses to see pictures, incubator student spotlights, and more!